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作者:天物彩板 编辑:天物彩板 来源: 唐山天物彩板有限公司 发布日期:2021-03-11 11:53


首先,不妨用 铝卷热水清洗铝线圈。热水擦洗主要是将残留在基材表面的脱脂剂清洗干净,保证这些残留物能够溶解,从而防止这些脱脂剂对基材造成二次污染。使用方法主要有浸泡法和喷刷法。所用水的硬度不宜太高,否则水中的矿物质会在基材表面形成矿物斑点。

其次,由于 铝卷预涂线速度快,用于热碱脱脂的脱脂剂通常浓度较高。典型的脱脂剂含有氢氧化钠(NaOH)、碳酸钠(Na2CO3)、硅酸钠(Na2SiO3)、磷酸盐等成分。热碱脱脂过程通常分为两个步骤,以确保铝卷基板表面清洗干净,通常采用喷刷。

在去年的时间里,我国 铝卷材产品市场逐步好转,彩涂铝卷材一直稳步增长。铝线圈广泛应用于电子、包装、建筑、机械等领域,在刚刚过去的2012年,很多传统电子产品的外壳还是塑料的,价值可能要便宜很多,但使用寿命相对较短,而且外壳简单不好。因此,在未来的发展中,铝卷仍能占据一部分市场,铝卷生产企业的数量也将逐步增加。产品竞争将归结为技术竞争和品牌竞争。

In order to ensure the cleanness of the surface of the aluminum coil, some pretreatment sections should be done before the coil is formed. So as to avoid the residual grease and smooth agent on the surface, which will affect the coating and application. Therefore, aluminum coil should be pretreated in the following aspects before forming.

First of all, you might as well use hot water to wash the aluminum coil. Hot water scrubbing is mainly to clean the residual degreaser on the surface of the substrate, to ensure that these residues can be dissolved, so as to prevent the secondary pollution of the substrate caused by these degreasers. The application methods are mostly immersion and spray brushing. The hardness of the water used should not be very high, otherwise, the minerals in the water will form mineral spots on the surface of the substrate.
Secondly, due to the fast speed of precoating line, the degreaser used in hot alkali degreasing usually has a high concentration. The typical degreaser contains sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium silicate (Na2SiO3), phosphate and other components. The hot alkali degreasing process is usually divided into two steps to ensure that the surface of aluminum coil substrate is washed clean, and spray brushing is often used.
Thirdly, it was passivated. Passivation treatment is to form a conversion film on the surface of substrate by pressure spraying, dip coating or roll coating. The sludge generated in the process of using passivation solution will often jam the spray hole, thus affecting the spray efficiency. Although the dip coating method can solve this problem, the amount of passivation solution is large. Both of the above two methods need water to clean the excess passivation solution in the essential operation, which will lead to the recovery and purification of wastewater. Roller coating is a good passivation construction method, which has the advantages of average coating, economic application and no washing. Chromate / oxide type treatment agent is usually used for aluminum plate, which contains chromate, chromic acid, phosphoric acid and promoters fluoride and molybdate. This kind of treatment agent must be added phosphoric acid, otherwise it can not be used to deal with food and drink aluminum plate.
In last year's time, China's aluminum coil product market gradually improved, color coated aluminum coil has been steadily increasing. Aluminum coil is widely used in electronics, packaging, construction, machinery, etc. In the past 2012, many cases of traditional electronic products are still plastic, which may be much cheaper in value, but the life is relatively short, and the case is simple and bad. Therefore, in the future development, aluminum coil can still occupy a part of the market, and the number of aluminum coil manufacturers will gradually increase. The product competition will come down to skill competition and brand competition.


天物彩涂板的质量控制体系主要包括三个方面:生产体系、质量检验体系和原材料采购管理体系。生产系统包括六个系统:预处理系统、精整系统、凝固系统、水冷系统、焚烧系统和水处理系统。通过各个环节保证产品质量的稳定性。 预处理系统:主要包括刷涂、研磨、磷化、三级碱液、喷水装置、预清洗、清洗两级复合处理工艺、各种钝化、油污、铁锈、板表面氧化物......
2020-01-15 15:26


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彩钢复合板一般理论使用寿命为50年,实际使用寿命为25~30年。 彩钢复合板:一种绝缘复合维修板,由彩色涂层钢板或其他板、板和绝缘芯材通过粘合剂(或泡沫)组成。 通常有爆炸复合、爆炸滚动复合、滚动复合等。复合材料可分为复合板、复合管、复合杆等。主要用于防腐、压力容器制造、电工建筑、石化、制药、轻工、汽车等行业。 ......
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