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作者:天物彩板 编辑:天物彩板 来源: 唐山天物彩板有限公司 发布日期:2021-04-09 16:32
彩钢板涂料黏度即液体流动时所产些的摩擦力,也叫内摩擦力,度过能;因流动性大,,成不均匀膜厚;黏度过高:流动性差,易造成涂层表面不光滑。 彩钢板涂料卷材涂料的施工主要采用快速辊涂方式,所以随时可以读出上机涂料的黏度值。 彩钢板涂料为保证漆膜厚度及流平性,使涂膜表面平整光...




彩钢板涂料卷材涂料的施工主要采用快速辊涂方式,所以随时可以读出上机涂料的黏度值。 彩钢板涂料为保证漆膜厚度及流平性,使涂膜表面平整光滑,对黏度的控制很重要。卷材涂料的黏度指标(涂-4杯黏度计进行测定)一般在 80-120s 之间,检验方法及标准等采用国标 GB/T 1723-93 涂料黏度测定法。目前国外已经生产出多种在线黏度计, 彩钢板涂料其中英国的 Hydramotion 公司研制的在线黏度计比较方便和直观,可直接安装在涂料搅拌筒内,
(1)测定温度应在 21~25℃之间。因为温度过高测定的黏度比较小,温度过低,黏度比较大,不 图4-1在线黏度计
(2次完后要用测涂料应的剂清洁涂-4 杯,防止测定小孔被堵。


The viscosity of the coating is the friction produced by the liquid flow, also known as internal friction, excess energy; due to the large fluidity, the film thickness is uneven; the viscosity is too high: poor fluidity, easy to cause the coating surface is not smooth.

Roll coating is mainly used in coil coating construction, so the viscosity value of coating can be read at any time. In order to ensure the film thickness and leveling, and make the film surface smooth, it is very important to control the viscosity. The viscosity index of coil coatings (determined by coating-4 cup viscometer) is generally between 80-120s. The national standard GB / T 1723-93 viscosity determination method is adopted for testing methods and standards. At present, a variety of on-line viscometers have been produced abroad. Among them, the on-line viscometer developed by hydramotion company in the UK is more convenient and intuitive (see Figure 4-1), which can be directly installed in the coating mixing drum,

The following points should be noted during measurement:

(1) The measuring temperature should be between 21 ℃ and 25 ℃. Because the temperature is too high, the measured viscosity is relatively small, and the temperature is too low, the viscosity is relatively large, which is not shown in Fig. 4-1 online viscometer

Is the standard value.

(after two times, clean the - 4 cups with the paint testing agent to prevent the small holes from being blocked.

(3) First, close the small hole with fingers or instruments, fill it with 100ml coating, and pour bubbles and excess samples into the groove with glass rod to prevent the sample from less than or more than 100ml.

(4) When the finger is removed quickly, start the stopwatch at the same time. When the sample flow is interrupted, press the stop watch immediately to count the time. (5) When the viscosity of the coating is too high and needs to be adjusted, appropriate diluent should be added, but the amount of diluent is generally not more than 5% of the total mass of the coating.



天物彩涂板的质量控制体系主要包括三个方面:生产体系、质量检验体系和原材料采购管理体系。生产系统包括六个系统:预处理系统、精整系统、凝固系统、水冷系统、焚烧系统和水处理系统。通过各个环节保证产品质量的稳定性。 预处理系统:主要包括刷涂、研磨、磷化、三级碱液、喷水装置、预清洗、清洗两级复合处理工艺、各种钝化、油污、铁锈、板表面氧化物......
2020-01-15 15:26


唐山彩钢板规格_唐山家用彩钢板厂家_唐山天物彩板家用彩色钢板是什么?家用彩钢板是由卷冷弯成型的波纹压型钢板。这种板叫彩钢瓦。唐山彩钢板厂生产各种彩钢瓦。一般情况下,我们使用的彩钢瓦具有保温性和一般厚度。我国运用一系列规则来规范这些行为。 天津彩钢板及彩钢板规格简介 ......
2019-08-05 17:32


彩钢复合板一般理论使用寿命为50年,实际使用寿命为25~30年。 彩钢复合板:一种绝缘复合维修板,由彩色涂层钢板或其他板、板和绝缘芯材通过粘合剂(或泡沫)组成。 通常有爆炸复合、爆炸滚动复合、滚动复合等。复合材料可分为复合板、复合管、复合杆等。主要用于防腐、压力容器制造、电工建筑、石化、制药、轻工、汽车等行业。 ......
2019-07-11 10:51


天物彩板新版LOGO获国家工商总局商标专用权及版权登记注册 为保护企业知识产权,防止某些企业及个人仿冒天物彩板进行违法销售,保护消费者利益,唐山天物彩板有限公司自 2014年......
2019-06-27 09:57

