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作者:天诚钢铁 编辑:天诚钢铁 来源: 天津天诚涂镀钢铁 发布日期:2022-01-05 16:51


1、 一般来说,可根据制造商的标准颜色选择彩色涂层镀锌板,这可以缩短生产初期的工作量。如果需要特殊颜色,则只有在涂料制造商准备好样品且所有性能满足要求后才能生产涂料,因此从订购到彩色涂层板的生产时间将更长。

2、 通过60度反射角测量的涂层表面光泽度越高,光泽度越高。建筑涂料为中哑光,范围为30至55。这是因为高光泽涂料对建筑物内的阳光具有强烈的反射和眩光;如果你在室内,晚上在灯光下很容易引起视觉疲劳。
3、 彩色涂层镀锌板的涂层采用合成树脂涂层烘烤。当在室外使用时,由于阳光、温度和雨水的影响,薄膜会逐渐劣化。如果你仔细观察钢板表面或用手指轻轻触摸,你会发现白色粉末。这种现象就是薄膜的粉碎,这是不可避免的。
4、 彩色镀锌板应选择不同类型的涂层,以延迟粉碎时间。此外,在不同地区,如沿海地区、工业区和农村地区,其使用寿命也不同。如果出现涂层粉化、开裂等腐蚀,应重新喷涂,以延长使用寿命。
① 这个过程需要很短的时间(不超过百分之几秒),但锌花的最终形状和大小已经确定。
② 批量晶体沿钢板/锌界面快速生长,直至覆盖整个表面,而表面仍为液态。
① 镀锌板,锌花在镀锌板表面形成的方式决定了锌花的灰色外观。
② 富含溶质元素的残余液相的凝固过程。


1、 Generally speaking, the color coated galvanized sheet can be selected according to the manufacturer's standard color, which can shorten the workload in the early stage of production. If a special color is required, the coating can be produced only after the coating manufacturer has prepared samples and all properties meet the requirements, so the production time from ordering to color coated plate will be longer.

2、 The higher the gloss of the coating surface measured by the 60 degree reflection angle, the higher the gloss. The architectural coating is medium matte, ranging from 30 to 55. This is because the high gloss coating has strong reflection and glare to the sunlight in the building; If you are indoors, it is easy to cause visual fatigue under the light at night.
3、 The coating film of color coated galvanized sheet is baked with synthetic resin coating. When used outdoors, the film will deteriorate gradually due to the influence of sunlight, temperature and rain. If you carefully observe the surface of the steel plate or touch it gently with your fingers, you will find white powder. This phenomenon is the pulverization of the film, which is inevitable.
4、 Different types of coatings shall be selected for color coated galvanized sheet to delay the pulverization period. In addition, it has different service life in different areas such as coastal areas, industrial areas and rural areas. In case of corrosion such as coating pulverization and cracking, re spraying shall be carried out to prolong the service life.
Zinc flower refers to the solidification of color coated galvanized sheet by reducing the solidification temperature of galvanized sheet in the production process of galvanized sheet. How is zinc flower formed? As a manufacturer of color coated galvanized sheet, let's explain the formation process of zinc flower:
1。 Uneven nucleation occurs at the interface between steel plate and zinc.
① This process takes a short time (no more than a few percent of a second), but the final shape and size of the zinc flower have been determined.
② Batch crystals grow rapidly along the steel plate / zinc interface until they cover the whole surface, while the surface is still liquid.
2。 The second stage is the n-layer dendrite thickening process, which is slow. The dendrite with preferred orientation grows rapidly and solute elements precipitate in front of the dendrite. When the air / zinc interface is reached, the solidification of zinc dendrites stops.
① Galvanized sheet, how zinc flowers are formed on the surface of galvanized sheet determines the gray appearance of zinc flowers.
② Solidification process of residual liquid phase rich in solute elements.


2021-12-21 16:13


唐山彩钢板规格_唐山家用彩钢板厂家_唐山天物彩板家用彩色钢板是什么?家用彩钢板是由卷冷弯成型的波纹压型钢板。这种板叫彩钢瓦。唐山彩钢板厂生产各种彩钢瓦。一般情况下,我们使用的彩钢瓦具有保温性和一般厚度。我国运用一系列规则来规范这些行为。 天津彩钢板及彩钢板规格简介 ......
2019-08-05 17:32


彩钢复合板一般理论使用寿命为50年,实际使用寿命为25~30年。 彩钢复合板:一种绝缘复合维修板,由彩色涂层钢板或其他板、板和绝缘芯材通过粘合剂(或泡沫)组成。 通常有爆炸复合、爆炸滚动复合、滚动复合等。复合材料可分为复合板、复合管、复合杆等。主要用于防腐、压力容器制造、电工建筑、石化、制药、轻工、汽车等行业。 ......
2019-07-11 10:51


彩涂板的市场用途主要分为三部分:建筑、家用电器和运输。其中,建筑业比重最大,其次是家电业,交通运输业比重较小。 1.彩涂板的基材可分为冷轧基材、热镀锌基材和镀锌基材。 2.第二步。彩涂板的涂层类型可分为:聚酯、硅改性聚酯、聚偏氟乙烯、塑料溶胶。 三。根据用户要求,彩涂板的颜色可分为橙色、乳黄色、深蓝、海蓝、鲜红、砖红色、象牙色、瓷蓝等......
2019-07-09 09:18
