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作者:天物彩板 编辑:天物彩板 来源: 唐山天物彩板有限公司 发布日期:2021-09-03 09:23
浅谈彩涂板用环氧底漆存在瓶颈时期 随着彩涂板行业的快速发展,开发性能优异的彩涂板涂料以满足先进、多样化产品的需求已成为国内外研究的热点。其中,制备附着力好、柔韧性好、与面漆相容性好的底漆对提高彩板涂料的性能至关重要。以电镀锌板为基材, 彩涂板经烘烤后涂有有机漆的产品为电镀锌彩涂板。由于电镀锌板的锌层很薄...


随着彩涂板行业的快速发展,开发性能优异的彩涂板涂料以满足先进、多样化产品的需求已成为国内外研究的热点。其中,制备附着力好、柔韧性好、与面漆相容性好的底漆对提高彩板涂料的性能至关重要。以电镀锌板为基材, 彩涂板经烘烤后涂有有机漆的产品为电镀锌彩涂板。由于电镀锌板的锌层很薄,锌含量通常为20/20g/m2,因此该产品不适合在室外制作墙壁和屋顶。但由于其外形美观,加工性能优良,主要用于家用电器、音响、钢制家具、室内装饰等。



With the rapid development of color coated plate industry, the development of color coated plate coatings with excellent performance to meet the needs of advanced and diversified products has become a research hotspot at home and abroad. Among them, the preparation of primer with good adhesion, flexibility and good compatibility with the top coat is very important to improve the performance of color plate coating. The product obtained by baking with the electro galvanized sheet as the substrate and coated with organic paint is the electro galvanized color coated sheet. Because the zinc layer of the electro galvanized sheet is thin and the zinc content is usually 20 / 20g / m2, the product is not suitable for making walls and roofs outdoors. However, due to its beautiful appearance and excellent processing performance, it can be mainly used for household appliances, acoustics, steel furniture, indoor decoration, etc.

Due to many influencing factors, the preparation of primer is a complex process. Recently, domestic researchers have used orthogonal experiment to determine the influence of various factors on the performance of epoxy primer, so as to reasonably determine the best formula with less steps. The prepared paint film has obvious advantages of hardness and solvent resistance, and excellent adhesion. According to experts, they focused on six influencing factors: color base ratio, amount of crosslinking agent, catalyst, defoamer, surfactant reducing agent and wetting dispersant. The selected crosslinking curing agent is urea formaldehyde resin sm-526. The experiment shows that the amount of crosslinking curing agent has the greatest impact on the adhesion of the paint film, has a great impact on the bending and MEK wiping resistance, and has no significant impact on the hardness of the paint film. Because domestic coil coatings lag behind foreign products in variety and quality, Chinese manufacturers have to adopt expensive imported coatings when producing color plates, which greatly affects the development of color plate industry in China. Therefore, experts call on the domestic industry to break through the bottleneck of epoxy primer for color coated plate as soon as possible.
At 15%, except that the hardness is the same as other 3 levels, other properties are poor; At 20%, MEK wiping resistance and bending resistance are the best, and the adhesion is general (mean 1.3); At 25%, the MEK wiping resistance and hardness of the paint film are the best, and the other two properties are poor. Considering the processability of the color plate, the researchers selected 20% of the crosslinking curing agent. Experts said that the above research has made a good start, but further research is needed to truly break through the bottleneck of epoxy primer for color coated plate. In the experiment, the effect of four dosage on hardness was not obvious (mean value was 5.0); When the amount of crosslinking curing agent is 10%, the adhesion is the best (the average value reaches 0.3), the MEK wiping resistance is relatively poor, and the bending performance is better.


2021-12-21 16:13


唐山彩钢板规格_唐山家用彩钢板厂家_唐山天物彩板家用彩色钢板是什么?家用彩钢板是由卷冷弯成型的波纹压型钢板。这种板叫彩钢瓦。唐山彩钢板厂生产各种彩钢瓦。一般情况下,我们使用的彩钢瓦具有保温性和一般厚度。我国运用一系列规则来规范这些行为。 天津彩钢板及彩钢板规格简介 ......
2019-08-05 17:32


彩钢复合板一般理论使用寿命为50年,实际使用寿命为25~30年。 彩钢复合板:一种绝缘复合维修板,由彩色涂层钢板或其他板、板和绝缘芯材通过粘合剂(或泡沫)组成。 通常有爆炸复合、爆炸滚动复合、滚动复合等。复合材料可分为复合板、复合管、复合杆等。主要用于防腐、压力容器制造、电工建筑、石化、制药、轻工、汽车等行业。 ......
2019-07-11 10:51


彩涂板的市场用途主要分为三部分:建筑、家用电器和运输。其中,建筑业比重最大,其次是家电业,交通运输业比重较小。 1.彩涂板的基材可分为冷轧基材、热镀锌基材和镀锌基材。 2.第二步。彩涂板的涂层类型可分为:聚酯、硅改性聚酯、聚偏氟乙烯、塑料溶胶。 三。根据用户要求,彩涂板的颜色可分为橙色、乳黄色、深蓝、海蓝、鲜红、砖红色、象牙色、瓷蓝等......
2019-07-09 09:18
